Monday, December 7, 2009

Seattle, Rochester, and someplace in Kansas

Guerrilla art installations are going up today in Seattle, Rochester, and Kansas (not sure which city). These will be just the 'thoughts' on magnets, no little figures, which are all being used in Buffalo, NY. Thanks to all who have commented so far!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Donating art to Rape Crisis Center auction

I've been approached by someone who saw this blog to donate to an art auction being held for a rape crisis center, and I will donate some of the figures used for this project. Contact me if you have your own art to donate. I will give the details of the auction in a later post.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Diary of a rape victim

Afraid of the world.

Feels like it happened to someone else.

Who can I tell?

Everything changed.

Feel dead inside.

Why me?

No one knows.

No one sees the wounds inside.

Want to hide.

D-Day for the anti-rape installation

I start the anti-rape guerrilla tonight in Buffalo, NY Around midnight when I'll be leaving about 300 magnets on cars and in bars up and down Allen St and tomorrow at the University at Buffalo. On each piece is a thought that runs through the mind of rape victims (I should know, being one). I hope that people will be intrigued enough to look online at this blog address and perhaps leave their thoughts.

Three other cities - Rochester, NY; Seattle, WA; and Lawrence, KS - will follow in the next few days.